Police robo-dog goes for walkies in Malaga

Police robo-dog gets a walk as beat officers show off their latest canine colleague. Woof, or I'll shoot.

Robo dog meets real dog.
Robo canine meets fleshly canine.

A police robo-canine took to the streets of Malaga recently, accompanied by human officers.

During a meet and greet with amused civilians, it proved to be a hit, with some people mimicking its walk and others introducing their own pets.

The robo-dog is currently controlled by a human via 5G technology and was created by the University of Malaga. It has a support role, helping human police officers control road traffic violations. It is particularly adept at spotting riders on electric scooters speeding in prohibited areas.

It is able to carry out image analysis and detect dangerous situations. Once equipped with AI, it will be able to control itself and learn on the job. 

There’s a good dog.